If tonsil stones and bad breath stones occur frequently, how to remove them, do you observe yellow particles when you brush your teeth or gargle and spit out water?In that case, you can suspect a “one-way absence.Amygdala stones are yellow grains formed by combining bacteria distributed in the mouth with food waste. This substance causes bad breath and foreign body sensation in the throat. Therefore, if you have a lot of tonsil stones, it can cause considerable inconvenience in your daily life. Especially for people living in society, tonsil stones can be very stressful. If you are a young woman or an office worker, there is a high possibility that you will be worried about being absent one way in your group.
Against this background, some people try to remove tonsil stones by themselves using cotton swabs or waterpicks. There are tonsil stones that can be seen with the naked eye, so I think you will try this. However, it is not recommended to try to remove tonsil stones by yourself.There are two main reasons.
Against this background, some people try to remove tonsil stones by themselves using cotton swabs or waterpicks. There are tonsil stones that can be seen with the naked eye, so I think you will try this. However, it is not recommended to try to remove tonsil stones by yourself.There are two main reasons.
On the other hand, removing such physical tonsil stones is not the fundamental solution to tonsil stones.This is because tonsil stones are produced by combining food waste and bacteria. Therefore, tonsil stones can recur at any time if you don’t stop eating and drinking.Against this background, a treatment called “tonectomy” is devised to fundamentally solve tonsil stones.Tonsillectomy surgically removes all or part of the tonsils, where tonsil stones occur, to prevent tonsil stones from being formed. Among them, “amygomatic atrophy” is a method of solving tonsil stones while removing a part of the tonsil and leaving some immune function intact.

It is understood that tonsils are partially responsible for immune function. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with the medical staff before performing tonsil atrophy. In general, tonsillitis, which requires antibiotic treatment or more than three times a year, is recommended to proceed with tonsil atrophy.If you search for various information about tonsil stones, I don’t think the problem is small.However, it is possible to improve the situation if appropriate treatments such as “removal of tonsil stones” or “atrophy of tonsils” are carried out. So, if you are worried about tonsil stones, you don’t have to worry too much. It is recommended that you visit the otolaryngology department as soon as possible for treatment.
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